5 Lead Generation Website Design Best Practices for Business

Basheer Padanna • Jul 20, 2022

When you are trying to get your business to the next level, you need to have a quality lead generation website. Instead of just focusing on getting people to visit your website, you need to make sure that you get your website to convert visitors into customers to increase sales revenues and profits.

This may not always be easy, but with a little focus, creativity and some good advice, you'll soon have a high converting lead generation website that can generate a lot of leads for your business.

These are the five best lead generation website design best practices.

Choose the Right Design for Your Website

The first step in creating a lead generation website is deciding on the design you want. To do this, you must first do your market research. Conduct a survey to find out which design your target market prefers. 

Once you have the design, make sure that it's user-friendly. Your website's design must be functional and easy to navigate. When a visitor finds it easy to navigate your website, he will probably spend more time on it. This will give you more time to present your product or service offerings and send the visitor to the call to action page.

Focus on User Experience

When you design your lead generation website, you need to focus on the user experience. Make sure that every page on your website is designed in such a way that each page is optimized to convert a visitor into a customer. The last thing you want is to be able to get more traffic but not have maximum conversions because the landing pages are poorly designed.

When you focus on user experience, you'll be able to keep your visitors on your website for a long time and prodding them to convert. In the end, a lead generation website that converts visitors into customers is a winner.

Build a Strong Landing Page

Creating a landing page is one of the most important aspects of a lead generation website. You can easily target your audience and create a call to action with this. You want to make sure that the landing page gives your visitor a chance to give you more information about their needs and interests.

The landing page also allows you to create a sense of urgency. You want to make sure that you are using the right tool. If you want to learn more about creating successful landing pages, you should look into using marketing automation software.

Build a Blog

Blogging is one of the best ways to get your target market's attention. Building a blog will help your target market know more about what you can offer. When you provide useful information, your target market will probably follow your blog and sign up for your newsletter.

If you are not a writer by nature, you can hire someone to help you come up with content. This is a small investment on your part that can make your blog more popular.

Use White Papers

White papers are marketing tools that can promote your products and services or simply give a free report to your visitor. You can publish a white paper that you've been meaning to create for a long time or one that your business started crafting a few days ago.

A white paper is a marketing tool that you can use to get the attention of your target market. When you give your visitors a report and make them feel like they have something to gain, they will most likely show their interest by commenting on the white paper and downloading the content.


These are the five best lead generation website design best practices that you can use to have a high converting website. They will help you get the most out of your website, increase traffic, and generate more organic leads.

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web design in Sydney that can significantly improve the overall performance of your website and convert your visitors into customers and generate more sales for your business. We will design creative and highly converting websites to ensure a higher investment return. Let us take care of your website and maximise its potential. Contact us today to get started!

About Author

Basheer Padanna is a digital marketing expert based in Sydney, specialising in SEO and Google Ads for service-based businesses.  Basheer takes great pride in being the secret brain behind many small businesses in Sydney and has a passion for competing against larger companies with bigger budgets. With a deep understanding of the digital landscape and a keen eye for detail, Basheer has helped numerous businesses achieve their online goals. He is committed to staying up-to-date with the latest trends and best practices in the industry and is constantly refining his strategies to ensure his clients stay ahead of the competition.

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